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Teaching is like Extreme Parenting

In the bathroom of the teacher’s lounge at my school, someone put a calendar with daily quotations for teachers. There are worthy sayings from philosophers, the Bible, Anne Frank and Helen Keller, and the calendar is placed in a spot that’s impossible to ignore. I hate that thing. Who wants every second of the day […]

The more things change….

When I was a new teacher, I used to think that my students would just leap to learn what I had to offer, coming to school eager to learn.  Ridiculous, as I myself hated almost every day of school from about 5th grade on. But as a newbie, I was sure we would forge a […]

Who’s your teacher? Do you like her?

The important thing about elementary teachers is that they are nice.  They read a lot of books, come in all shapes and sizes and they almost all wear clogs, but the important thing is that they are nice. When you talk with a child, one of the first questions asked is the grade they are […]


I was destined to become a teacher.  I would not go so far as to say that I knew it all along or that I played school religiously from toddlerhood.  Rather, the components of my personality developed into an adult led me to this profession. They are as follows: I’m naturally an early riser.  On […]